Our Journey Planner tool makes planning rail travel easy. Plan and book any UK train journey from A to B, even if you’re not travelling on a Hull Trains service. Enter your departure and arrival stations, choose your outward date and time, click Check Trains and view the services scheduled to depart.
Each service has it’s own Find Tickets button so you can be taken straight to the booking engine to see ticket prices and buy tickets. Our Journey Planner will show you the following useful information:
- Train departure times
- The train operator
- Calling points and times
- Number of changes
- Total journey time
- Station information
Planning Your Journey with Hull Trains

How you can plan a journey with Hull Trains?
Simply enter your outward and return destinations, choose the date and time you want to travel and click Check Trains. It couldn’t be easier to plan a rail journey anywhere in the UK with our Journey Planner. Whether you are travelling with Hull Trains or not, the Journey Planner is a great tool to easily see train times and find tickets.

Why you should plan your journey with Hull Trains?
Planning your train journey should be simple and quick, which is where our Journey Planner tool comes in handy. Our easy Journey Planner lets you find the rail service you’re looking for along with useful travel details like the number of changes, overall journey time and calling points. When you’ve found the train for you, simply click Find Tickets to see all of the tickets available for that service.

Station Information
Check our facilities information, current seat occupancy and view the live position of Hull Trains services on a map. Also find details for all British National Rail stations.
Station Information
Find the latest Hull Trains timetables to help you plan your route. View timetables online or download a PDF copy for later.

Route Map
Take a look at our route map to plan your next journey with Hull Trains and explore the destinations on our route.
Route Map
Station Information
Check our facilities information, current seat occupancy and view the live position of Hull Trains services on a map. Also find details for all British National Rail stations.
Station Information
Find the latest Hull Trains timetables to help you plan your route. View timetables online or download a PDF copy for later.

Route Map
Take a look at our route map to plan your next journey with Hull Trains and explore the destinations on our route.
Route Map